Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Eat and run.

We're turning into the home stretch now. Training is going well, and after a long run last Sunday at Wildwood (three 3.1 mile loops) all feel confident.

As the squad has been easing into longer and longer runs, hydration and nutrition on the go has become more and more important.

The trick with running and food is finding something that’s easy for your body to absorb mid-stride. When your heart rate is up and blood’s being shunted to working muscles, the last thing your body wants to do is deal with a four-course meal. Or shrimp bisque.

Here’s a homemade energy bar recipe I made last weekend for the Wildwood run. Melissa and Alexis wanted the recipe up - which I'm happy to share in the hope that I'll be able to sample their versions in the future.


2 cups nuts (I like to combine cashews and almonds)

2 cups dates (pitted dates, or the “rolled” cylindrical date bits from the bulk food aisle)

4 tablespoons coconut flakes.

Dried fruit to taste

You’ll need a food processor.

1. Grind the nuts finely.

2. Add the dates and coconut to the nuts. Continue to blend/grind. The ingredients mass will begin to form into a dough-like substance. If it’s too dry to form together, add a small amount of water while blending.

3. Add some additional fruit and blend. I’ve had luck with cranberries, dried strawberries and dried blueberries.

4. Place the combined mixture into a small flat dish (like a 8X8 baking pan) and press into a firm layer with a spatula.

5. Refrigerate if desired.

6. Cut into bars.

Easy to make, easier to eat!

We all look forward to next Sunday. I've even gone so far as to preregister for the race today (which for a last-moment guy like me is a pretty heady development - I am exceptionally bad with preregistering.)

I've never looked so forward to April fools day.

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