Sunday, March 10, 2013

KG's first ever blog

KG here, proud new member of the Gamut Girls Squad.  Actually, not that new at Gamut, but very new to running.  I’ve been working with Gamut since Merry Wives of Windsor, 1997 Free Shakespeare in the Park.  I’ve been running since October 14, 2012.  I really don’t picture myself as a runner.  My history with running, and really any kind of sport, is spotty at best.  There was the tortuous “Fun Run” in 7th grade, 8 laps around the track every Friday gym class.  As if gym class isn’t bad enough when you’re in 7th grade.  There was marching band in high school, two weeks of band camp at the beginning of the school year, then football games and competitions each weekend for the next four months.  OK, not really sport, but it did take some effort and foot-brain coordination to play an instrument and move around the field and not trip over yourself or anyone else while doing so.  Four years ago I did accomplish some running around the riverfront and downtown Harrisburg on a semi-regular basis.  It was a very pretty September and October.  The riverfront has always been one of my favorite places.  But then it got dark in the evenings and cold outside, and I got bored, and my spiffy running shoes lay lonely in the closet. 
And then it was October 2012.  My life was the usual busy schedule of work and planning for the next show at Gamut (Hamlet).  I think it was Jennie that posted a note on Facebook about the Gamut Girls Squad planning for the 2013 race.  The Gamut Girls had really inspired me last year.  It was so cool to see these ladies working together towards a goal.  It was a heck of a thing they were doing, challenging themselves, and contributing to a worthy cause.  I mean all of us who have met through Gamut participate in the arts in some way.  We know first-hand the impact arts can have on people and community.  But sometimes you have to make the effort to show the world that arts are important.  But I digress. 
Running.  Boy, I wanted to do it.  I wanted to have that goal and challenge myself.  I had lost a little weight and wanted to keep doing so and to keep working on getting healthier.  And I really, really wanted to be a part of that fabulous group of ladies!  But, seriously, running?  10 miles?  How insane was I?  Could I possibly run 10 miles when driving 10 miles seems really far to me?  But, honestly, it didn’t take much to convince myself to try.  So I replied to that Facebook posting and caught up with the ladies on their next run.  And it was tough, I couldn’t even run for a mile.  But it was also pretty amazing, and I could walk for more than a mile.  I made it through that first time.  And so here I am, planning on a 7 mile run this afternoon.  Still trying to figure out just how crazy I am to plan to run 10 miles in less than a month.  But I think I’m in great company!

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