Monday, November 26, 2012
Amy's Post - Hi Y'all!
So, approximately 5-6 weeks ago, I met my good girlfriends at Charles Hooker's house in order to start this running journey extravaganza. I was nervous, worried, and positive that I would not be able to run - at all. Having never really played sports (only in the shadow of my much more sportily-gifted sister), I thought running would render me an utter failure in the world of being physically active - as usual.
Well, there is a magic that happens when good people get together and are supported by a patient, caring coach. Sports-shmorts - I am running!
The past few weeks of Sunday runs have produced a much happier, less-stressed me. I look forward to our runs together as a team, and I think of my individual jaunts almost as therapy - I know I'm going to struggle a little bit, but afterwards I feel so good - so ready to tackle the rest of my day, that the small-time struggle just falls away; it doesn't matter.
When Jennie threw out the idea of signing up for the Turkey Trot, I thought - YES! Let's DO IT! A few days later, KG and I mapped out the course, and I have to say, this helped me a bunch. Knowing where I was going / what to expect made me relax during the actual run. Note to self - repeat this for any other upcoming races! :)
Race Day, as I've come to expect, contained supportive, caring friends and (surprisingly!) family (calls from / to my family in Colorado and a shocking message afterwards that my cousin finished about 2 minutes behind me...what??) which made the experience a soon-to-be tradition for me. Because I was surrounded by racers ALL THE TIME during the race, my competitive side started to emerge bit by bit. I wanted to keep going; I knew I could do it; I felt the pride that is connected to completing a goal. Heading toward the finish line, I saw my husband Dan - taking pictures and yelling "Woo Hoo...GO, Amy!" His words of encouragement helped me to jog across the finish line, and man, as I did, that the rush of adrenaline definitely kicked in. I immediately joined Melissa and friends to cheer on the rest of the team.
The team - KG, Carolina and Jennie - we were a team that day.
So now, I'm loving my runs through New Cumberland, and I look forward to our Sunday runs as a member of The Gamut Girl Squad. I'll admit - I'm still a little nervous about running a 10K...this seems like a LONG WAY, and it is - but my team and I will make it.
Until next time...
Turkey Trot 5K - Our First Race!!
We missed Coach Charles who was spending Thanksgiving with some Germans, but Melissa was there to warm our muscles and our hearts. We did great! I had two personal goals:
1. Finish it in under an hour, and
2. Don't be last.
I'm happy to say I made both of those personal goals.
WE DID IT!! And we were awesome! So, now I offer you, in true Letterman-style, the Top Ten Reasons to Run the Turkey Trot in New Cumberland on Thanksgiving Morning:
10. Why the heck not?
9. Grown men wear turkey hats.
8. The start of the race is.... something. Jogging in a sea of 2,000 people is a special kind of awkward you really need to experience. I would have loved to have seen that from above.
7. You're doing nothing else Thanksgiving morning. Unless you're the cook. Then you're doing a lot Thanksgiving morning.
6. You can justify eating thirds of everything at dinner.
5. When I said, "I would have loved to have seen that from above," I meant from a helicopter or something. Not from Heaven.
4. Someone is stationed every half mile or so to cheer you on. (And to make sure you don't veer off the trail and end up in Ohio.)
3. You get cool gifts, some of which are kinda shady and bring you pause.
2. Did I mention feeling like you can eat whatever you want?
Amy: 33:17 (10:44/mile)
Karen: 39:01 (12:35/mile)
Jennie: 42:45 (13:47/mile)
Carolina: 44:39 (14:24/mile)
GO GAMUT GIRLS!Friday, November 9, 2012
Jennie here!
"THEN what happened, Jennie?"
Well, I got married (to Gamut resident playwright Sean Adams!) and had two beautiful daughters. I got a desk job. I also got seriously out. of. shape.
I've never been a runner or even a good athlete. But, I knew I needed to find some kind of exercise that was 1. inexpensive, 2. efficient, and 3. something I could stick with. I tried a running program one time before. I learned about the Couch to 5K running program through... I don't know... somewhere. But I couldn't stick with it, so I quit after three weeks. I think my problems with it were numerous. One, running by yourself is boring. Two, I had nobody to answer to. Three, it progresses through a series of milestones that increase in difficulty each week, which are wonderful when you accomplish them but can be discouraging if you're having an icky week. You feel like you might need to repeat a week which makes your heart feel sad. A sad heart cannot sustain a runner.
But then! Then came INSPIRATION! The Gamut Girl Squad! I was SO impressed by the accomplishments of my dearest friends last year. So, when we got the e-mail from Coach C asking us if we were interested in joining this year, I LEAPED at the chance.
No. No, I didn't.
I actually thought about it for, like, a week. I wasn't sure if I was really ready for the commitment. My life is busy. Sean works when I don't, and we have two kids. When, I ask. When in the world am I going to do this? But, I have a pretty awesome husband who was super encouraging. We will make the time, which is the most difficult part of this. But so far, because I've wanted it badly enough, I've made the time. Well, I've found the time anyway. Even if that time is ten minutes. Even if I've had to take my girls running with me. Even if I've had to drag my lazy self out of bed at 6am because it's the only time I could find all week, then that is what I have to do.
I want to get in shape. I want to be healthy. I want to support Gamut and the arts. I want an excuse to spend an hour a week with some of my favorite women in the whole world. For these reasons, I am here. Thanks for reading and following us!
Welcome the New Squad
So....with a cliff hanger, we ended the last installment of the Gamut Girls Run Squad Blog-o-report-o-gram.
Briefly, everyone did fantastically in the race and the group raised the second highest overall amount in donations in the event! Donations that went directly to support your Harrisburg Shakespeare company!
I'm proud of everyone in the squad for both those accomplishments.
A few weeks afterwards, we debriefed at a diner just outside Halifax Pennsylvania. Image the scene! Besides the many memories relived and stories retold, we knew looking forward that we wanted to have a Gamut team out for the 2013 Run for the Arts.
Good people, faithful readers: that team is here. That team is now.
And you may already know some of these brave souls!
Once again (after some wrangling with recruitment efforts) the team is all ladies. (Except for this guy - but you won't be hearing so much from me.)
In the next few posts, they're going to introduce themselves to you, let you know what the hey they're doing here. (And some of the Alumni might even let you in on their trials and tribulations from last year's race and...well, most of 2012.)
I'm excited for you to meet them and so looking forward to the next few months of training toward April.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Eat and run.
We're turning into the home stretch now. Training is going well, and after a long run last Sunday at Wildwood (three 3.1 mile loops) all feel confident.
As the squad has been easing into longer and longer runs, hydration and nutrition on the go has become more and more important.
The trick with running and food is finding something that’s easy for your body to absorb mid-stride. When your heart rate is up and blood’s being shunted to working muscles, the last thing your body wants to do is deal with a four-course meal. Or shrimp bisque.
Here’s a homemade energy bar recipe I made last weekend for the Wildwood run. Melissa and Alexis wanted the recipe up - which I'm happy to share in the hope that I'll be able to sample their versions in the future.
2 cups nuts (I like to combine cashews and almonds)
2 cups dates (pitted dates, or the “rolled” cylindrical date bits from the bulk food aisle)
4 tablespoons coconut flakes.
Dried fruit to taste
You’ll need a food processor.
1. Grind the nuts finely.
2. Add the dates and coconut to the nuts. Continue to blend/grind. The ingredients mass will begin to form into a dough-like substance. If it’s too dry to form together, add a small amount of water while blending.
3. Add some additional fruit and blend. I’ve had luck with cranberries, dried strawberries and dried blueberries.
4. Place the combined mixture into a small flat dish (like a 8X8 baking pan) and press into a firm layer with a spatula.
5. Refrigerate if desired.
6. Cut into bars.
Easy to make, easier to eat!
We all look forward to next Sunday. I've even gone so far as to preregister for the race today (which for a last-moment guy like me is a pretty heady development - I am exceptionally bad with preregistering.)
I've never looked so forward to April fools day.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Long time no blog...
Monday, March 12, 2012
A Month of Running Adventures!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Chafed! (But I ran a 10k!)
Help us reach our goal for Gamut! You can support The Gamut Girls Running Squad at!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Back on Track!
I am so proud of us, and I am especially proud of me! Today, our Gamut Girls Running Squad went to the Stony Creek Rail Trail where we ran 3 miles out and 3 miles back. This is the furthest we as a group (and I as an individual!) have run so far. Coach Charles had us on a strict one minute walk/two minute run the whole way. It was cold and a little muddy, but one warms up quickly when running, and there were only a few "swampy spots." Overall, I think I liked running on a trail better than running on asphalt and concrete. Although it's difficult to track your progress when the scenery kind of looks the same the whole way, there were little bonuses like scenic water falls and friendly dogs along the way.
This was also my first big run outside without wearing my ankle brace and knee brace. I was really happy about that. I've been running without them at the gym, but running on a treadmill and running outside are completely different, so I was really nervous this morning as I was deciding if I had made the right decision. Looks like I did, because knee and ankle are both doing fine. :-)
I don't know if I have shared any of my Feet Adventures with you, but back in November, I went to a foot specialist, because I was having a terrible time. The running was really making my right foot and ankle terribly sore - to the point where I was limping in just my everyday life. Dr. Cohen discovered that I had one leg a little longer than the other one. Who knew?! He took molds of my feet and then had special inserts made for me to put in my shoes. One has a little lift in it and makes me "even" again. Now that I've had the inserts for a month, I can honestly say that they have helped my back a whole bunch. I used to get a terrible pain in my lower right back about 15-20 minutes into running. Today, I had a little bit of pain at 30 minutes, but it wasn't so bad. It also wasn't concentrated on the right side, but more in the center. This makes me think that the inserts are doing their job.
I would probably have less back pain if I lost some more weight, but between work and running, that's about all I can handle right now. Losing weight is a little down on the list, although I do weigh-in every Monday with my Dad and try to make sure that I'm not gaining weight.
As far as training, Carolina and I try to run 3 times a week. Once on the weekend is our Big Run (which up until today was 5 miles max), and the other two are usually 3 miles and 1.5-2 miles. It's hard to coordinate our schedules to get to the gym 3 times, but we are committed to this Quest. For example, two weeks ago we had a difficult schedule because she had midterms to study for, and I had to work late every night that week, but we still did our Big Run on the weekend, and then got back on schedule when midterms were over. It seemed to pay off big time today!
The last 15 minutes today were the hardest for me, but Charles said that I actually had a better clocked time on the 2nd 3 miles than on the first! Wow, go me! So that's what's up with this 44 year old Mama.
PS - Carolina and I came home and ate homemade pancakes and Nature's Promise bacon..... mmmm...... Pancakes and bacon never tasted so good!
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Leading up to our 5K Jingle Bell Run in December was exhilarating! We had some gorgeous weather over Thanksgiving, so I got outside to run 4-5 times a week from the end of November to the beginning of December. I ran the 5K and had a great sense of accomplishment. Yay, me!
After the 5K, I got out several times over the next week and was up to 3-4 miles each time out. Go, me!
Then... The Crud Invasion hit.
Yes, I got The Crud. The sickness that's been going around. Sinus infection, bronchitis, extreme fatigue, coughing, coughing and more coughing. I have finally recovered from The Crud, but I am now about three weeks behind in training. Over the Christmas break, I tried to run, but found that I could really only do a brisk walk, with a small amount of running in the middle. This has me discouraged, as I now feel that I have to start all over to get my breath back for long distance running.
Running outside is more difficult now that temperatures are sometimes in the teens and 20's, but Charles has given us guidelines for working out on a treadmill indoors. Carolina will be joining my gym tomorrow, and we plan to work out some evenings together. I like to work out in the morning. Carolina does not. But we like to work out together for the running, so we've been having difficulty finding a time that works for both of us.
We (our Gamut Girls Running Squad) are working up to running a 10K (6 miles) in mid-February at a venue in Reading, PA called "Shiver By The River." I am nervous for getting back on track, but I'm excited, too. I am so glad I have Bri, Alexis, Carolina and Charles to keep me going. I think I probably would have given up if I was trying to do this on my own. The Power of Team! :-)